Certified palm oil

Oil palm trees yield 10 times more crops per hectare than any other oil plant, which means that their cultivation requires many times less arable land. Unfortunately, over the years, rainforests have been irresponsibly cut down to create oil palm plantations, causing damage to nature.
An alternative to conventional palm oil is a certified raw material that comes from controlled plantations and is produced responsibly. Starting from year 2024, we are joining a circle of companies which are working with vegetable-based fats containing sustainable certified palm oil under RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certificate.
We believe that RSPO certification not only ensures that confectionery producers are using sustainably sourced palm oil, but also enhances their corporate social responsibility profile, improves regulatory compliance, and boosts market confidence in their products. It’s a win-win situation for both the producers and the consumers who enjoy their products.